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About our Confraternity of Christian Doctrine

To All Parents,

Our Religious Education is the only English program authorized by the Archdiocese of Madrid.

One of the most wonderful compliments OLM receives as a parish is when a parent says that a child wakes them up to make sure they get to Sunday Mass on time! We are proud to be a child friendly parish and probably have the largest group of children gathered at any Sunday Mass in Madrid.

We believe strongly in the children taking an active part in parish life as they are our future. Several projects, such as the Christmas Giving Tree, a bake sale and a book sale are among the annual projects led by students of the programme. Once a month, we have a Children’s Mass, which is organized by one of the classes and their teacher together with the Choir Director. The children handle the readings, the prayer intentions, the music, the Offertory, etc. At our Christmas Eve Mass, the children take part in a pageant, which is a simple, but meaningful affair re-enacting the Gospel of the birth of Jesus. In May, the younger children pay a special homage to Our Lady.

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, we would be happy to discuss them with you. If you would like to volunteer to teach or assist, please contact us in person. If you live in the Madrid area and are interested in signing your child up for CCD, PLEASE DO NOT EMAIL US, instead just come to any Sunday Mass and meet one of us and Fr. Ron first. We would like to welcome you personally. Our Religious Education program is intimately linked to our Sunday Eucharist and the priority is, of course, our Sunday liturgy.

In 2018, Our Lady of Mercy implemented a fully accredited and strict “Child Protection Policy”

Please speak with Nancy O for more information.

OLM CCD Director

For more information contact the OLM Parish Council
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Parish Council

We’re a group of passionate people helping you find and live your faith.

Parish Priest

Fr Ron O

Parish Priest
Council Member

Alex E

Council Member
Council Member

Barbara L

Council Member

Brian J D

Council Member

David O

Council Member
Treasurer & Music Coordinator

Elke W

Treasurer & Music Coordinator
Council Member

Ian F

Council Member
YAM Coordinator

Janet E

YAM Coordinator
Events Coordinator

Judy M

Events Coordinator
Council Member

Lucille G

Council Member
Council Member

Nancy D

Council Member
CCD Coordinator

Nancy O

CCD Coordinator
Council Member

Patrick H SJ

Council Member