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Confirmation Sunday 2023

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The OLM 2023 Confirmation ceremony was celebrated on May 21st (Acension Sunday) by the Episcopal Vicar of Madrid, The Very Reverend José Luis Segovia Bernabé in a joyful and inspirational Mass.  In the most moving moments of the ceremony, the Vicar annointed and blessed each candidate as their parents, families, friends, and fellow parishioners looked on.  
Throughout the Mass, our Music Ministers accompanied the candidates with uplifting hymns – more than one person present was seen swaying to the music and clapping along while filling the church with their voices.  The Vicar commented that the Choir lifted up the entire congregation and he found himself lifted all the way up to God.  The YouTube video is a must see.
The diversity of our parish was clearly evident during the Mass with candidates of various origins: 2 Indian, 3 Nigerian, 1 from Cameroon, 1 Scottish, 1 English/Spanish, 1 American/Spanish, and 1 Dutch/Spanish. 3 of the candidates were Baptized at OLM!  The mix of nationalities of parishioners and visitors is what makes Our Lady of Mercy so special. 
The majority of the candidates were prepared by Catechist Cristina Gahan during a 2-year course (of their 3-year preparation), part of which took place during the COVID lockdown.  3 of the candidates attended all 9 years of the OLM Religious Education program.  We wish to thank their parents for their support of our Parish. I candidate transferred from another parish in Spain and another received Confirmation in preparation for her upcoming wedding (prayers and congratulations to her).  
A small reception was held in the Fellowship Room after the end of Mass (and many group photos before the final blessing).
Congratulations to our new fully-initiated parishioners!