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Choir Quotes

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“I find singing with the OLM choir energizing and cathartic. More importantly, it is such a privilege to be part of a group of international voices – an experience so very rare for any choir member.”

“There are many reasons for being in the choir besides enjoying the music, look at the diversity of the choir!”

“I love singing – whenever I can – at OLM. The wonderfully selected music and the way we sometimes get to sing it, result in very special moments. I hope those listening to us have the same feeling!”

“Attending Mass at OLM and singing in the choir recharges not just my spiritual batteries for the whole week!”

“In my case it was a love-at-first-hearing. American liturgical music was the music I had been looking for. Its chords, its catchy melodies, its spontaneity seduced me in such a way that, since then, I cannot ever keep away from singing!”

“I enjoy singing in the choir because it’s the one thing (important to me) that gets me up on Sunday mornings.”

“Me gusta cantar y participar en OLM coro, porque me encanta su musica, sus componentes, lo familiar que es la celebracion (yo canto en el coro, y mi familia esta conmigo), y como viven y transmiten su fe.”

“It is one day a week for me to really express myself without reserve!”