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Another great Sunday

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This upcoming Sunday will be another great OLM Sunday. The choir has prepared some beautiful hymns for the celebration of the Most Holy Trinity. After Mass, there will be complimentary drinks in honor of those receiving Confirmation. Congratulations to them!

Angelina had to cancel the last young Adults Group meeting due to illness, but she is fine now, so they will meet after Mass on Sunday and share their impressions on prayer.

Just a note about these emails, as the activities begin to slow down, I won’t have much to write about during the summer. All the news will be in the announcement sheets for those who are here during the summer. If something special comes up, I will write you. So, these emails should resume in September, God willing.

I just want to thank the many wonderful volunteers that make Our Lady of Mercy such a wonderful and vibrant parish. May God bless our many families that are leaving us and are moving to a new destination. We hope you will pray for Our Lady of Mercy as we do our best to meet the needs of a very transitory community.

Finally, if you can make a special donation to cover the Sundays you are gone (or a final gift in appreciation of all that OLM did for you while you were here), just use one of the envelopes we attached to last Sundays announcement sheet.

Thank you so much and have a blessed summer, Fr. Ron

herb had spent all afternoon interviewing for a new job. He began filling out all the papers. The human resources manager then questioned him at length about his training and past work experience. Herb then was given a tour of the plant and was introduced to people he would be working with.

Finally, he was taken to the general manager’s office. The manager rose from his chair, shook his hand, and asked him to sit down.

“You seem to be very qualified,” he said, “and we would like you to come work for us. Will you offer a good insurance plan and other benefits. We will pay you $600 a week starting today and then in three months, will raise it to $700 a week. When would you like to start?

“In three months,” Herb replied.