It was very nice to have seen so many English-speaking parishioners at the Ash Wednesday bilingual Mass yesterday. We had nearly 500 people in attendance! It is nice to see both parishes together as one harmonious family of faith! Thanks Judy for singing so pretty at the offertory!
The Mardi Gras was a huge success. Sorry I didn’t join the crowd, I wanted to keep my cold germs to myself. I asked Janet to write up something and I will reprint it here:
Thank you to everyone to participated in the Mardi Gras Potluck last Sunday especially the volunteers who cooked, brought food and helped serve the meal. Thanks to you the event was a big success! It was a beautiful gathering celebrating the diversity of OLM with food from all over the world and we look forward to continuing this tradition for years to come.
(Photos attached)
This Sunday is the First Sunday of Lent. We now invite you to bring donations of food for the struggling families of our parish at offertory time on any Sunday during Lent. Always appreciated: Juices, milk, sunflower oil, canned meats, fish, and vegetables, and parboiled rice (like Brillante). Fresh vegetables are also welcome.
Although it is the first Sunday of the month, it is not children’s Mass. that has been postponed until the following Sunday, March 8th.
YAM meeting has also peen postponed until March 8th. They are planning some Stations of the Cross and Adoration in English during Lent. More to come.
The Manos Unidas collection a few weeks ago was 495 Euros. Thank you for your generosity.
have a blessed Lent,
FR. Ron
Quickest Way to the Lake
A tourist stopped a local in a village he was visiting and asked, “What is the quickest way to the lake?”
The local thought for a while. “Are you walking or driving?” he asked the tourist.
“I’m driving.”
“That’s the quickest way.”