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May 24th Mass info and helps

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Hello again,
How are you holding up? I am doing fine. I just wanted you to know that as of Thursday at 12:24 PM – only  31 people now plan to be at Mass on Sunday. We have room to VERY SAFELY include 100 more. We have had 50-60 worshippers at our daily Spanish Mass with NO INCIDENT.
Please see for the rules. I already sent out the permission but I don’t think it will be necessary. Police know that people attend Mass on Sunday, and it is permitted in Madrid now. I attach it again, just in case.
You can now donate to OLM by clicking on the Donate button on the homepage. 
We also will begin distributing food on May 31, so either bring food that Sunday, or make a donation, and we will go to the store. We also will purchase facemasks for those who can’t afford them.
I will send another update on Saturday, if you decide to go (and have not yet told me), send an email to: and rsvp with the number of worshippers.
Alex is trying to set up live streaming on YouTube. We want everyone to feel included.
I will send out some worship aids as I have always done. Sadly, they are for the 7th Sunday of Easter and not for Ascension Sunday because they come from Great Britain who uses a different liturgical calendar than Spain.
Be blessed, with my prayers,
Fr. Ron

How’s Your Hearing?

A man went to the doctor for his annual physical examination. After the doctor had examined the man, he asked “Is there anything else you’d like to discuss today?”

The man thought a moment and said, “Yes, as a matter of fact there is. My wife has gotten so hard of hearing that often she doesn’t hear me and she refuses to get her hearing checked. What can I do about this?”

The doctor thought for awhile and then said, “I have an idea for you. Next time you see her and she is not looking, say something to her and see if she hears you. Then see how close you have to get before she hears you. Let me know what happens.”

So the man went home and went into the living room. He saw his wife with her back to him and she was at the kitchen counter getting dinner ready and he stood at the far end of the living room. He asked in a reasonable voice, “What’s for dinner tonight Honey?” As usual, she did not respond.

So he took a few steps closer and said again, “What’s for dinner tonight Honey?” Again she did not hear him and there was no response.

So he took a few steps closer and asked a third time, “What’s for dinner tonight honey?” Again there is absolutely no response. So he gets right up behind her and asks again, “What’s for dinner tonight Honey?”

At this point she turns around and faces him and says “For the FOURTH time, Beef Stew!!!!”