As always, it will be a full Sunday at OLM. Here are some of the things going on!
1) William, a seminarian will meet with interested youth from ages 15 to 18 to at 11:00 in the office area
2) Deacon Michael preaches and assists at the altar. Please welcome him warmly.
3) Second Collection for the Missions. Please support this worthy cause to spread Christianity all over the world. The collection is taken up at every Catholic Church.
4) CCD, Adult Faith Exploration, RICA, and Language program as usual.
Wanted: An experienced English teacher to give private classes to a Spanish parishioner of San Dámaso. If interested, send an email to Fr. Ron with your qualifications and how much you charge an hour.
Do you know anyone selling a decent used car?
Santiago, the maintenance man of our sister parish, is in dire need of a reliable used car. If you are thinking of selling a reliable car at a decent price to help a struggling family, see Fr. Ron or call the office at 91-733-94-09 and speak with Santiago. Cars that are 20 years old are not viable.
Coming attractions:

On November 10, María Vallejo-Nágera will visit our parish. She is a well-known Spanish author who has written a number of books. One of her best sellers “Badlands” speaks profoundly of the pain of abortion. She has donated a significant number of books to OLM (all in English) and she will be available to sign hem and answer your questions after Mass on Sunday November 10 at 12:00 in one of the classrooms. Please make sure to mark your calendars.
All Souls Sunday
A few years back OLM began the tradition of dedicating the Sunday closest to the celebration of All Souls as the Sunday that OLM parishioners can remember their deceased loved ones at Mass. Fr. Ron will read out all the names during the Eucharistic prayer. If you are interested in participating, please try to get your envelope back to Fr. Ron today or next Sunday. Please write with block letters so he can read the names well. Also, try to avoid last minute requests and Please, please, please, no requests by email. Use the envelope attached to the announcement sheet. May they rest in peace.
Driver’s License
A friend of a friend of mine was sitting on a lawn sunning and reading, when he was startled by a fairly late model car crashing through a hedge and coming to rest on his lawn. He helped the elderly driver out and sat him on a lawn chair.
“My goodness,” he exclaimed. “You are quite old to be driving!”
“Yes,” he replied. “I am old enough that I don’t need a license anymore. The last time I went to my doctor he examined me and asked if I had a driving license. I told him yes and handed it to him.”
“He took scissors out of a drawer, cut the license into pieces and threw them in the wastebasket. ‘You won’t be needing this anymore,’ he said.”
“So I thanked him and left.”