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OLM and the Coronavirus

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Given the fact that the World Health Organization has declared the COVID19 a pandemic, and people are feeling fearful, OLM will take the following measures so as to hopefully bring more clam during these uncertain times.
1) CCD (Catechism classes are cancelled this Sunday and next Sunday). Adult Faith exploration is also cancelled, RCIA is also cancelled, and finally, the language program classes are also cancelled for two weeks.
2) Mass is not cancelled (unless the Bishop tells us otherwise). We will continue with the following steps:
a) No sign of peace at Mass
b) No hand holding during Our Father
c) Ushers will not allow people to pass baskets in each pew, they will reach over.
d) No Holy Communion cup
e) Hand Sanitizer is available in the chapel and in the main church for Ministers of Holy Communion and anyone who wishes to use it.
f) Fellowship after Mass will be available for those who wish (unless things worsen even more)
I have heard that a couple of parishioners have decided to stay at home 14 days because they know of someone who has been infected (and have been in the same room with them)  and even though they are fine now, they don’t want to run the risk of infecting anyone. That is the right attitude!
I know that there will be less people at church, which reduces the risk, but your peace of mind is the most important thing. There is Mass on television.
OK, this will pass too. Hang in there. Wash your hands often. And Peace be with you!
Fr. Ron

Visit the local government COVID-19 website for updated information.  Consult the CDC website for the most up-to-date information.

New Teacher
It was the first day at school. The students were all in their seats, waiting for the new teacher to start.

The teacher stands up, and says, “Whoever in here thinks they are stupid, please stand up.”

The students all looked at each other, and finally, one boy stood up.

“Do you think you’re stupid?” asked the teacher.

“No, said the little boy, “but I didn’t want you standing there alone.”