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Recommended Holy Week Services

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How are you holding up? I know I have already given you a few recommendations, but allow me to offer one more. I have always admired Bishop Barron, and if you would like to try a different online experience of Holy Week (or future Sunday Masses), I suggest you give him a try, OK? He is a priest’s priest and a great gift to the church. Actually, my favorite for many years!
Give him a try at:
Thank you to those who have reached out to me fearing that I may feel lonely or alone. I assure you, I am doing very well. Please remember I have lived a hectic life for almost 6 years now and was always yearning for an extra minute or two. Being the only full-time priest for two parishes is not an easy task. But God has always given me the strength. I have accepted this time of reclusion as a retreat and the days just fly by. I have peace in my heart and pray for all those who are suffering. I pray especially for those who have lost a loved one. I guess I am saying that by accepting this situation from day 1, I have clearly felt God’s protection and love. Silence is a cherished friend and I believe it allows us to look at ourselves and evaluate if we have chosen the correct path. If we simply “fill up the time” and return to the “way it was” asap, we will certainly miss a time of grace and opportunity. There is power in being alone with the God of love who made us and everything.
A bit about charity. Since the crisis began, we have paid out 2400 Euros in food expenses for the families in the most precarious of situations. The Good Neighbor Fund has now been depleted and we are using church funds. As you know, the weekly collections add up to zero. I have been edified but those parishioners who see the value of OLM and have made a true commitment.
If you wish to help a parishioner in need, simply make an online bank transfer:
(tax deductible if you pay Spanish taxes and provide our treasurer your DNI number in the concept)
Account holder:
Bank Details: IBAN: ES07.0186.5001.64.0511473809
Bank Name: Banco Mediolanum
Thank you for reading all this. May you feel close to the Christ up hung upon the cross for you and me this Good Friday.
May God bless you and keep you safe,
Fr. Ron