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Something extra

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1) It was nice to see Elke and some Choir members sing to us a very appropriate hymn. We should record a zoom applause for them! See and hear it here:
2) After 4 days hospitalized Fr. Sebastian was discharged from the hospital. Although he was admitted for Covid19, he later tested negative. In any event, he is being careful with the quarantine and feels better. That is the most important thing. He thanks you for your prayers,
3) I am going to attach the Sunday worship helps to this email. I hope they help you.
4) I want to congratulate those CCD teachers that have been able to keep up with their class online. I joined one last Sunday and although it was a new experience, I really enjoyed it.
5) Amelie had surgery on Tuesday and everything went well. She is now home recovering and she was the first non Covid19 patient to be admitted in the hospital! We continue to pray for her recovery.
6) I am meeting with a team tomorrow morning in the church to decide how we will reopen on Monday. Please don’t be impatient, I will send you the norms and guidelines as soon as I am able.
7) On behalf of the struggling families of OLM, I thank you for not turning your backs on them during this time of hardship. Your donations are very much appreciated and the families will be praying for you.
8) Don’t forget to smile! Stay safe and blessed. More soon…

Marry An Actor
An aspiring young actor asked a young lady’s father if he could have his daughter’s hand in marriage. The father said, “I would never let my daughter marry an actor.”

The actor said, “Sir, I think you may change your mind if you see me perform. Won’t you at least come and see the play?”

So the father went to see the play, and the next day he called the actor, “You were right. I did change my mind. Go ahead and marry my daughter. You’re no actor.”