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Sunday January 26

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Hello again,

Last Sunday all the toys were picked up! Great! This Sunday, we will keep organizing and there will be free kitchen items to pick up. We simply don’t have the place to store the things any longer. Also, a baby carriage will be available.

Also on Sunday: Our monthly food collection for the struggling families of Our Lady of Mercy. Please bring up at offertory time. It should have been second week of the month, but the holidays changed our timing this month. Always needed, oil, parboiled rice, canned fish and meets, and canned vegetables. 

Also, the  Mass intention will be for Lucille’s mother Bernadette Delacroix. May she rest in peace.

Firehouse Training Session

At a training session in the fire station, the team was assembled around the kitchen table.

The training officer was discussing the behavior of fire: “You pull up to a house and notice puffs of smoke coming from the eaves, blackened out windows and little or no visible flame. What does this tell you?” he asked.

Expecting to hear that the house is in a possible back draft situation, a condition very dangerous to fire fighters, he instead heard from one quick wit, “You got the right place.”