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Merry Christmas

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Wow! We hit a new record, we had over 750 people jammed in a church that seats only 500!! Thanks to my great plant manager who squeezed the benches together and filled the church with over 200 seats. There was no more room at the Inn! But Jesus found His space!!!!!
Thanks to the children and the parents who did a most beautiful and emotional Christmas pageant. Thanks To Sarah for her great narration.
Thank you to the combined choirs of both churches, the OLM choir was SPECTACULAR! Wow! They should be on TV!!!
Thanks to my brother priests who trust my creative homily creations. And we did the entire Mass in 65 minutes! NOT one boring second!
There are way too many others to thank, but you know who you are! Thanks! Especially to the team that stayed afterwards and prepared the liturgical space for  Mass the following day. Thanks to Judy and Dani for taking on the resaca Mass on December 25th and for putting up with the temperamental sound system.
We meet again on Sunday at 11:00 for a great Holy Family Mass. I will preach and preside and we will even  have a First Communion at Mass. (Never a dull moment!)
I write this at 10:00 PM Christmas Night, tired but thankful to see the power of God at work in the hearts of so many believers. Thanks for your kind words and gifts, it feels nice to be appreciated.
My blessing and big prayers for you all,
Fr. Ron

I Know Something…..
I figured that at age seven it was inevitable for my son to begin having doubts about Santa Claus. Sure enough, one day he said, “Mom, I know something about Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, and the Tooth Fairy.”

Taking a deep breath, I asked him, “What is that?”

He replied, “They’re all nocturnal.”