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Date error and current count

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Sorry about the wrong date in the last email, I meant to say that we will start Mass on May 24th at 11:00
So far, 13 people have RSVP yes to coming. We have room for 100 more!! I will keep you posted.
here’s an olie but a goodie:
Bachelor’s Cat

A bachelor kept a cat for companionship, and loved his cat more than life itself. He was planning a trip to England and entrusted the cat to his brother’s care. As soon as he arrived in England he called his brother. “How is my cat?” he asked. “Your cat is dead,” came the reply.

“Oh my,” he exclaimed. “Did you have to tell me that way?”

“How else can I tell you your cat’s dead?” inquired the brother.

“You should have led me up to it gradually,” said the bachelor. “For an example, when I called tonight you could have told me my cat was on the roof, but the Fire Department is getting it down. When I called tomorrow night, you could have told me that they dropped him and broke his back, but a fine surgeon is doing all he can for him. Then, when I called the third night, you could have told me the surgeon did all he could but my cat passed away. That way it wouldn’t have been such a shock.”

“By the way,” he continued, “how’s Mother?”

“Mother?” came the reply. “Oh, she’s up on the roof, but the Fire Department is getting her down.”