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Easter joy and news

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It was an beautiful Easter Mass last Sunday! Wow! We had a full house. Your faith is amazing and I think all of us realize now that the real cause of the virus spreading is people gathering in closed spaces, not wearing masks, and being reckless (the parties are a good example). At OLM, you can always feel, and even see the ventilation (at times the candles are blown out) and we have never heard of one case being tracked back to our church. Thanks be to God! Thanks again to our disinfection team. Rhea even baked them goodies as a thank you. What a beautiful community spirit!
Saturday we celebrate Confirmation at 6:00 PM. There are 19 candidates! The Auxiliary Bishop Jesus Vidal will preside and both OLM and San Dámaso will be participating. The candidates are excellent and we had a very beautiful and faith filled retreat. The Mass will be live streamed on Youtube. The parish council has been stepping up and taking care of the many details. We decided that it would be best to have a separate Mass this year, otherwise the church would be SRO. Please say a little prayer for the candidates who look forward to becoming full members of the church-
On Sunday, Fr. Michael will be our guest preacher and presider. I will be around too.
News of the day of prayer and reflection:
On Saturday April 17th Father Chris Staab will lead a Morning of Reflection entitled Praying with the Resurrected Jesus. This will be held in the Church from 10-1 pm. If you are interested in attending, please contact Judy MacInnes at
May you be blessed with Easter joy,
Fr. Ron

The Scale
Two children went into their parent’s bathroom and noticed the scale in the corner.

“Whatever you do,” cautioned one child to the younger one, “don’t step on it!”

“Why not?” asked the sibling.

“Because every time mom does, she lets out an awful scream!”