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This Sunday will be a full one

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This Sunday we have much to be grateful for:

There will be a blessing of the Catechists of our parish (CCD, Adult formation, and RICA). We will also bless our co-directors: Nancy and Amelie.

William, a seminarian from Cameroon will share with us the story of his vocation. He is doing this to inspire our younger parishioners. After the Mass, William invited youth from ages 15 to 18 to join him in the upstairs classroom for a new formation group for those teens who have completed Confirmation but are still too young to join OLM’s Young Adult Group. This is a project that he has discussed with Fr. Ron over the past few months. It is a group that will discuss the Bible, Catholic formation, and meaning in life. This project was designed to also include youth from the Spanish parish. I will keep you posted on its progress.

Also, this Sunday the language program begins. We offer free Spanish classes to parishioners after the CCD classes, please see Pablo if you are interested. We have a record number of people signed up this year already, and curiously, most are from the Philippines.

You have been hearing a great deal about child protection lately, I know. I want to thank Nancy for overseeing our program at OLM. As you may or may not know, there are new laws coming into effect all the time. Our Lady of Mercy not only wishes to comply with all the laws but also go beyond the minimum requirements to make sure that OLM is a safe and protected environment for our children. If you have any questions about child protection, please see Nancy.

A big Thank you to parishioners Diane Tucci and Bruno Putorti who have kindly offered to take over the running of the OLM Christmas Giving Tree project. Thanks for bringing joy to children!

I hope you are having a good week, may you be blessed,

Fr. Ron

Two Words:

First grade teacher: “There are two words I don’t allow in my class. One is ‘gross’ and the other is ‘cool.'”

Rachel: “Yeah? So, what are the words?”